A ex-Bolton councillor has joined the The Workers Party and is to stand as MP in the Bolton South East constituency.

Jack Khan, who represented the Rumworth ward, left the Labour party to join George Galloway's political party.

Mr Khan announced he was leaving the Labour party shortly before the local elections at the start of the month due to the Gaza stance nationally, he said.

He said: “We have seen what the Labour party was all about and I think I did an excellent job and due to the foreign policies and what is going on with the world, I had had enough but stayed on as a councillor until I could.

“But after learning about this party and their 10-point plan, I decided to join them.”

The 10-point programme includes a end to imperial wars, ‘cheap’ and ‘secure’ housing, and free comprehensive healthcare.

Mr Khan said: “As an estate agent, I see what people are going through and that they are really struggling with things like paying the bills and choosing between heating or eating.

“It is a horror show and the senior of the party wanted me in Westminster.

“I would like to represent the people of Bolton South and voice their opinions in Westminster and scream and shout that people cannot afford rent or mortgages and are having to re-mortgage just to live.”

Mr Khan says he does not regret his decision to leave the Labour party for the Workers Party GB.

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He said: “I think it was the correct decision as I really feel that Sir Keir Starmer and PM Rishi Sunak are horrifically bad for the government, and I hope the Workers Party can make some noise in Westminster.

“My chances may be slim, but I hope to make a dent and prove that Bolton is fed up with Labour."