Two men, including one from Chester, have been charged in connection with drugs and modern slavery offences.

In the early hours of Wednesday, May 8, police officers from Chester Proactive and British Transport Police's County Line Task Force conducted warrants at two addresses in Leeds.

Two men were arrested as part of the investigation into modern slavery and drug conspiracy and have since been charged.

Mataleco Kessely, 22, of Thomas Street, Leeds, and Kyle Scanu, 20, of Chapel Lane, Chester, have both been charged with conspiring to arrange or facilitate travel of another person, with a view to exploitation and two counts of conspiracy to supply class A drugs (heroin and crack cocaine).

Kessely has been remanded in custody and is next due to appear at Chester Crown Court on Thursday, June 13.

Scanu, who was produced from prison upon arrest, will remain in prison until he appears at Chester Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday, June 11.