Peterborough owner Darragh MacAnthony has sent a classy message to Wanderers and Oxford ahead of the play-off final this weekend.

Posh finished fourth in League One but came up just short against the U’s over two legs, losing 2-1 on aggregate despite Josh Knight’s goal.

In a video posted on social media, MacAnthony said: "I have taken massive enjoyment from this season.

“The management team have been a great credit to themselves and the club - as have the backroom staff, the playing staff and their families.

“They have made great sacrifices and did not deserve the end of season they got, but it is important to be magnanimous in defeat so good luck to Bolton and Oxford at Wembley.

"I made sure champagne was sent to the Oxford directors after they beat us and made sure the Oxford players had beer to celebrate. Other clubs have done that for us when we have had success.

"And for the first time I went into the dressing room (after the Oxford game) to speak to the players. I wanted to thank them for their efforts.

“They should look in the mirror and be proud of what they achieved this season - the youngest squad in the division delivered a great style of play.”

MacAnthony is already excited about next season and hopes his young squad can keep progressing under Darren Ferguson. He also dismissed talk of a “fire sale” this summer.

“I have seen talk of us losing 9-10 players, but that just isn’t going to happen,” the Posh owner added.

“We have a great staff and great players already in the building. We hope to add more great players.

“There will be comings and goings, as is the way with our club, but we intend to help the squad and make them a bit stronger, as long as the salary cap allows it.”