IF there’s one thing that sets my teeth on edge it’s benefit cheats.

This is somehow viewed as victim-less crime because they’re stealing from the State. But since the State funds everything, including the NHS and social care, they’re stealing from us.

They don’t all get away with it. Last year, a record £1 billion was recovered from 5,000 benefit fraudsters but their money-making ruses are breathtaking in sheer cheek.

One woman claimed almost £27,000 in jobless benefits and council tax credits while making a living from allegedly communicating with the dead. Another stole £40,000 in disability benefits, in spite of being a successful body-builder competing in events around the world.

The only remarkable thing all these cheats share is a wonderful blind faith that they won’t be caught. In an age when communication has never been better, especially via social media, that is – quite fortunately – a really helpful failing.