BOLTON Labour Party have put something extraordinary on their web site, under the headline, “Tories have no qualms to take away school funds” they make the astonishing claim that Bolton Tories want to spend £150m of school reserves held by the Council.

We never made such a claim and nor does it appear in our amendment and a quick look at Appendix E of Labour’s own budget report states that schools balances held by the council are not £150m but £16 million.

Why the Labour Party would spin this ridiculous story when the facts are readily available and easily checkable then plaster the ‘fake news’ all over their own web site is astonishing.

It all feeds the narrative that the Labour Party after decades in power in Bolton need a break and that Bolton more than ever needs a fresh start.

Cllr Martyn Cox

Westhoughton North and Chew Moor