I WATCHED large sections of the recently recorded council meeting and I found the ruling Labour council’s blatant arrogance and lack of respect for the people of Bolton completely depressing.

Please can I remind our senior councillors that they may consider opposition councillors to be the “enemy”, or at least that’s the way it appeared, but the opposition councillors are elected by and represent Boltonians.

Watching the live stream it was obvious that our councillors have lost their way and consider the opposition and residents who hold opposing views with barely concealed contempt. To represent the people you live alongside is an honour that should be carried with humility but I didn’t see any of that.

Instead I saw senior officials grandstanding, adversarial posturing and clear indignation at answering questions that many Boltonians seek the answers to. The tribal atmosphere that was on display for all to see demonstrated to me that the real people of Bolton are being forgotten and instead the councillors focus on points scoring against each other.

I fully expect my plea will fall on deaf ears and stubborn minds but I hope that councillors from all parties can take a step back and think about their conduct and the position that they have been elected to hold.

M Kozlowski
