THE ripples from brave Rio Ferdinand’s TV programme about the loss of his wife Rebecca will be felt for a long time.

The former England and Manchester United captain showed his vulnerability in the touching programme Being Mum and Dad, chronicling how he has dealt with parenting their three children since Rebecca died from breast cancer at just 34 in 2015.

This was even more difficult for him because he felt he had to keep brave for their children.

In a macho sport, as he explained, he didn’t want players talking about their feelings because it distracted him from winning, and he was all about winning then.

He also stated that, as a lad growing up on a tough council estate, you didn’t talk about emotions. So, when Rebecca died, doing that was almost impossible.

Yet, with the help of others in a similar position, he’s managed to show his emotions, his tears, which will have helped thousands of other men. And provided the best possible example for his children.