I WISH to express my disdain and utter contempt for drugs cheats in sport. I am very concerned about the tennis world falling over themselves to offer Sharapova a place in their respective tournaments.

We have had several recent examples of British athletes receiving retrospective awards of medals that were rightly due to them but only awarded after drug testing regimes caught up with the sly drug abusers. One such athlete has refused to accept the medal unless it is replaced by a new medal as she feels that the original medal will be tainted by the drug cheat. Quite rightly in my opinion.

What about the tennis players denied a win by the drug abusing Sharapova? They have been denied winnings that their drug free efforts richly deserved. No compensation is forthcoming to them.

What message does it send out to the youngsters of today when they see a drugs cheat welcomed back with open arms by organising committees of tennis tournaments? Sharapova should have to, once we accept that a lifetime ban is never going to stick (however much deserved), qualify for every money winning opportunity that she sees fit to enter.

Ian Holland
