CAN anyone please tell me why we must have an atomic bomb? We can't afford to look after our ageing population but we can afford a very expensive toy that will not save anybody from anything.


Germany does not have an atomic bomb, why not? It must be something that would make them more secure. Germany spends over 11% of GDP on healthcare whereas we spend less than 8% and falling.


But out of the 27 countries in the European Union only one country has an atomic bomb and that is France. In ‘Yes Minister’ (a comedy programme with a lot of truth in it!) it was said that the reason why we must have the bomb is because the French have it. Nothing to do with the Russians which is not really a good argument is it?


During the Cold War, which I'm sure somebody in the nasty party can remember, our foreign and defence policy was that if the Russians came we would drop the atomic bomb on Germany. When that became public knowledge I am not quite sure what the Germans actually thought of it.


There was an atomic power station explosion in Chernobyl in the 1980s which we are still suffering from today. Many people will still get cancer from it and that was 1000 miles away from us. Anyone who wants to drop the bomb has to be deranged. I have said before that we haven't got an army, the navy is depleted and our Royal Air Force is becoming a joke but our Prime Minister will fire the missile, killing millions of people so we have nothing to worry about or do we?


Will members of the nasty party still be happy when they get fried because they have fried somebody else? So can some smart person give me an example of how this weapon is keeping us is safe and from whom? This country needs to spend more money on conventional forces especially after we leave the European Union.


Ian Greenhalgh



