WE are finally reaping what we sow when it comes to the so-called Snowflake Generation.

These are today’s young people who have been so cosseted that they just can’t cope with what is thrown at them, in studies or work.

This last week, a Cambridge professor who emailed advice to students asking them to work hard and avoid getting drunk was accused of “damaging their mental wellbeing".

Some students there are, apparently, such a delicate breed that work must take second place to having a good time. Plainly, the consequences of doing what they went to university for – rather than drinking too much and neglecting their studies – can affect their mental health. Absolute rubbish! At the same time, a junior teacher Eddie Ledsham quit his teaching job in a primary school after one term because he couldn’t cope with the workload and getting home at 6.30pm. Instead, the 22 year-old went working in a Greek holiday resort.

Now, that first year in teaching can be really hard. It’s a shock for anyone but most tough it out and things tend to get better. Perhaps more realistic preparation in training would also help.

Members of the Snowflake Generation (those who became adults in the 2010s and are viewed as less resilient and more prone to taking offence than previous generations) appear to give in at the first hurdle.

I’m afraid we’re seeing the first signs of twenty-somethings who are inclined to be wimps.

Some moan about everything that isn’t easy, totally indulge themselves and give up when faced with any sort of mental or physical challenge.

Obviously they’re not all like that, but it is becoming increasingly obvious that we’ve bred a very soft generation here.

And, sorry, but I definitely blame parents. If you constantly indulge youngsters, cosset them and don’t allow them to toughen up on their own, this is how they turn out.

It’s just like the parents at an Ipswich primary school who are up in arms about the headteacher leaving children to play out in the rain because he values what “wet play” teaches them.

Generations of youngsters have played out in the rain – not to mention climbed trees, played perilous games of conkers and generally flung themselves about in the playground.

They lived to tell the tale and became stronger, more determined and more developed adults as a result.

With not a snowflake in sight.