AT one time fairly recently we were very worried about teenagers on holiday drinking too much and also causing severe sun damage to their skin.

Now, apparently, the over-50s are the ones causing concern. According to the latest research figures, we are not accurately counting the drinks we consume in an average week leading to massive under-estimations and the real spectre of health problems.

Many over-50s also have already severely damaged their skin by staying out in the sun without using proper sunbloc, and keep on doing this in spite of all the latest health advice available because they think this information doesn’t apply to them.

This ritual head-burying in the sand may well be related to the fact that the over-50s are well-used to giving advice, but not as good at taking it. We admire logic when it’s presented in research form, but don’t actually think it relates to us. Unfortunately, we need to open our eyes and acknowledge that it’s never too late to change our unhealthy habits.