POLITICAL feelings apart, I feel that Keira Knightley may come to regret the colourful speech of her toddler daughter Edie.

Speaking on TV’s The Jonathan Ross Show, she described the moment her daughter reacted to the shock win in the US presidential elections of Donald Trump.

After explaining that Edie is talking a lot and repeating everything her parents say, she mentioned how Edie responded to the news by saying !F***!” The actress added that she was “very proud” of her daughter’s outburst.

I wonder, though, whether that feeling will remain when Edie tries this one out in nursery or at a little friend’s house over tea. While such precocious behaviour may be entertaining in the privacy of home, it won’t be outside it.

Nursery staff and other parents are likely to take a dim view of such language. No. Sorry, Keira, but that trait needs training out right now.