SIR David Attenborough is undoubtedly one of life’s natural role models.

He’s 91 with an unparalleled TV career and is credited with single-handedly making natural science not only more available to everyone but entertaining, too.

His programmes regularly attract millions and his credibility as an unbiased expert gives him an appeal that transcends age-groups and cultures.

So, it’s quite sad to read that one of his major fears is “becoming an appalling encumbrance” on his children. Like many of us as we get older, he just doesn’t want to be a burden to those he loves, probably in spite of his children’s reassurances.

Perhaps this is one reason why he wants to keep working for as long as he can. It also makes him seem even more human and vulnerable and so an even more accessible and “normal” human being, always imparting a fact by talking to us rather than at us.

We would doubtless wish him an even longer life, to keep that wonderful knowledge and warmth with us.