WHY  doesn’t the BBC put the excellent Click into mainstream TV scheduling?
The Saturday morning segment on the news programme – you can see the full version on iPlayer – highlights the latest improvements around the world in technology. Anchorman Spencer Kelly is first-class as the low-key tech enthusiast, explaining even the most complex ideas simply and easily.
Each week, its presenters take viewers from Germany to Japan, Israel to Australia to see the very newest ideas and how these are changing our lives. It’s absolutely fascinating even if you’re not a total tech fan. This weekend, they looked at the Digital Revolution exhibition at London’s Barbican – an event probably not covered elsewhere on TV.
When Tomorrow’s World was a TV regular, viewing figures were sky-high. It made children interested in science and adults aware of future possibilities in lifestyle. Click is a terrific programme that deserves more exposure so, come on BBC, stick it in the mainstream schedulings and  share the knowledge.