THANK you for your coverage of the well-supported and lively rally against zero hours contracts in the town centre last Saturday.

Bolton UNISON, as part of Bolton Trades Council, is proud to be part of the campaign.

Some of the biggest companies in the UK exploit millions of workers on zero hours contracts, including Boots, Wetherspoons and Sports Direct, who employ around 90pc of all their staff on zero hours.

Zero hours contracts allow employers to hire staff with no guarantee of work, which means that employees only work as and when they are needed.

Workers are often forced to take any hours that they are offered.

What’s more, workers on zero hours contracts don’t benefit from sick pay, holiday pay, pensions or redundancy pay.

On a recent leafleting session to build support for the demonstration, I was shocked and appalled to hear first-hand how many people and their families are employed on these contracts.

Exploitation is rife in far too many sectors of the economy. This is why our campaign calls for: l Proper contracts, guaranteed hours and full employment rights; l A living wage which is enough to afford the basics; l No cheap labour on apprenticeships, internships and workfare schemes. A day’s work is a day’s work and it deserves a decent day's pay; l Scrap the anti-trade union laws — we have the right to try to improve our conditions.

Finally, whilst we are pleased that MP Julie Hilling states that Labour will legislate against zero hours contracts, we believe the Labour Party can do more by calling on all Labour councils to refuse to contract services to companies that employ workers on zero hours contracts.

Matt Kilsby Branch Chair, Bolton LG Unison