IT seems that Ed Miliband has “demanded” Nigel Farage, UKIP leader, “be barred” from debates at next year’s general election, with support from some Tories.

Why is that? Sour grapes, running scared, frightened to debate with Nigel Farage, after the Nick Clegg fiasco when he put him in a “cocked hat”, or is it Nigel Farage is right and he is wrong and, if you can’t beat them, bar them?

How democratic is that? Has Ed Miliband lost the plot and forgotten the early days of the Labour Party, when some thought they should be barred? He should find some courage.

He is all for Europe. Let him look to a French writer called Voltaire, who studied law. He wrote: “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

Ed Miliband comes across as dictatorial. If he cannot debate with Nigel Farage, what chance has he or David Cameron got of renegotiating any treaty changes? The EU will have them both for breakfast, without breaking sweat to do it.

Grenville Moore Melbourne Road Bolton