WITH the anticipated opening of the new Tesco development at Little Lever (expected at the end of October), the residents of the village eagerly await getting their hands on the £30,000 Section 106 money promised in the agreement.

Indeed, this should have already been paid to the council.

Although this money is ostensibly dedicated to environmental improvements in the town centre, following the recent spending of the £50,000 on block paving, etc, it is difficult to imagine what else can be done within those strict limits.

There was much discussion the other evening with residents on the west side of the village of the need for a children’s equipped play area in that locality.

A gated area for seven to 11 year olds in Victory Road Park, supervised and accessed from the rear of Dukes and Queens, was the most favoured.

This would be a most popular and necessary use of available money.

If any residents can come up with other ideas for spending within or adjacent to the village centre, perhaps they could let me know via the usual means of telephone, email or Facebook.

Cllr Paul Richardson Ripon Close Little Lever