THE word of ISIS is being preached to young Muslims in this country and there is growing support for action to be taken on British soil, and it is only a matter of time before a major incident is carried out here.

With my own eyes and ears, I have heard what is being preached to these young men and women, and it is extremely dangerous.

Last week, I had cause to speak with a young Muslim man. During the conversation I mentioned that I had lived and worked in the Middle East, and he asked me my opinion about the current situation in Gaza.

I said that whilst the Israeli response on face value seemed disproportionate, I thought that both parties were equally as unreasonable as the other, and as this situation had been going on for a great many years, with neither party willing to reach an agreement, it was time that we let the Middle East sort its own mess out and if that means one side wiping out the other, then that’s war.

He went into a fit, saying that I had better not support the Israelis, and that the people of Britain had better wake up or they would face the might of the Islamic people. That there was growing support for action to be taken and that what was being done to people in Gaza would soon be done to people here.

He said God would see to this, I asked him his god or mine. He said there was only one god.

He spoke with a rhetoric that for someone who had not been to the Middle East would not have had an understanding of, and hence I can only surmise that this is being preached to him, the anger and venom with which he spoke was alarming and clear, he is a danger to non-Muslim British people and I can only think that there is an army of such people being conditioned in this manner.

I write and predict that an event will occur on British soil in the very near future, that will bear out the above and hence justify my belief that there is a great danger from within the young Islamic population.

I was genuinely concerned and disturbed by my conversation.

Andrew Davidson Bury