WITH mention to Susan Howarth’s letter (August 26) “Put energy into climate change.”

It is most interesting to note that the two people she named in order to strengthen her claims that humans are causing climate change are not climate scientists or indeed scientists of any kind for that matter.

The ‘stop global warming academic/guru’ Jonathan Neale who, is according to Ms Howarth the best thing since sliced bread, being honest, and clever, and trustworthy to boot, actually describes himself as a political activist along with being a historian, a novelist and a playwright.

Clever he may well be, but as a political activist. Likewise the economist Nicholas Stern, who similar to Neale is also ‘no scientist.’

He had close ties with the Blair administration and was on the “Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment,” as such the 2006 Stern Review, as it became known derived conclusions that where favourable to the government of the day.

This review has been widely criticised and discredited by economists and scientists alike as being politically motivated and certainly not worth the 700 plus pages it was printed on, “whoops! There goes another rain forest”.

It seems from reading Susan Howarth’s letter that she has been heavily influenced by these two people and as such is founding her beliefs that renewable energy and carbon/green taxes are the answer ‘to all our dreams’, our ongoing energy problems.

I however would still like to know what renewable energy sources are actually available that can take over when the wind stops blowing (or blows too hard) and when the sun stops shining? (In particular during the hours of darkness).

Perhaps it’s the one million people who it is claimed will be employed in this ‘new renewable energy’ industry that will supply the extra power necessary.

Maybe, ‘in the hour of our need’ they will, ‘as part of their employment contract’ be required to run on treadmills in order to generate the additional electricity.

Stuart A Chapman Isle of Wight