THE Scottish have cast their vote and have been offered almost total control of their affairs. The Prime Minister says that the West Midlothian Question must be resolved, but does not say how it has to be done.

This problem has baffled those who have tried to solve it. It is proposed that Scottish MPs be only involved in voting and speaking on matters relevant to Scotland. This would be a nightmare. The voters want a system that they understand.

The only solution is a federal UK and to be radical it could also include Southern Ireland, which would solve a lot of problems. The items to be dealt with centrally such as foreign affairs, defence, foreign aid and economic policy would be by an upper house elected by proportional voting list system, say 25 per country, so that England does not become dominant. There would be hundreds of MPs made redundant.

We do not need all the ministers we have at the present time, even less the number of backbenchers.

John Batley Manchester Road Over Hulton