I AM writing in response to the article in which Cllr Nick Peel on behalf of Labour members made the ludicrous claim that the anti bedroom tax campaign had been hijacked by the hard left.

This seemingly due to the fact that they had the temerity to attempt to hold to account Cliff Morris and the Labour Council.

The demonstration was aimed at the Labour Council's refusal to discuss their petition despite the campaigners having collected the necessary 4,000 signatures, the Council website says is required to get an issue discussed by the full Council; something which has nothing at all to do with the Tory Government, but a wholly Bolton Labour controlled council decision.

The campaign group has no political affiliations and has for over 18 months been providing assistance and advice to those across the borough who were affected by this evil tax. They have engaged with the Bolton public and explained the truth behind the lies of the Con-Dem propaganda machine. They have been the voice of those without a voice, filling the void left by what masquerades has a Labour council. I have had the privilege of playing a small part in the campaign and the integrity and selfless attitude shown by them has been a humbling experience.

Cllr Peel owes every member of that campaign group an apology after the slur on them as individuals and as a group.

Martin McMulkin

Secretary Bolton & District Trades Council