BOLTON Town Hall is the finest building of its kind in England. Boltonians, and councillors, should look afresh at this Victorian treasure; Manchester’s interior is finer but Bolton’s exterior is magnificent. That is why our Town Hall is a Grade II star listed building.

The Civic Trust understands the need for the Council to rationalise, even to the extent of changes within the Town Hall itself. But jack-hammering 20 cubic metres of stone from the frontage to wreck this superb architecture is a nonsense.

It is nonsense to argue it is essential to destroy the lower tier of this treasure. Why? A café & restaurant with elevated terrace. A restaurant in shadow already by 11am even on mid-summer’s day! But what makes sense? Coffee on this terrace with a view over to Poundland or, instead, at a café opposite, relaxing with the vista of this magnificent Town Hall.

Our councillors should be custodians of this building for future generations, not wreckers. Our Town Hall is of national importance. The Civic Trust urgently appeals to everyone, who prize what we have, to write into Bolton Planning (Ref.93556/15) and send their comments in, before it is too late.

Richard Shirres


Bolton & District Civic Trust