WATCHING George Osborne on the Andrew Marr programme, I thought can this man really be proud of the misery that he and Duncan Smith have imposed on ordinary hard working people with their cuts.

Allow me to give a factual example. Headline in a respected Sunday news paper two weeks ago read: "I'm tired, can anyone out there help us."

Helen and David Stuart, a couple with more than 80 years contributions paid into the system between them, are locked out of the welfare system which is meant to be there to help them. David, 64 has been made redundant three times since 201. After his last redundancy he received Jobseeker's Allowance a pittance I believe. When the six months were up he was slung on the scrap heap, no help what so ever from the system.

Helen works part time, 24 hours a week which I believe means that they get no help from a system they have paid into all their working lives. Helen describes coming home to find David sitting wearing a thick jumper and coat so as not to use the heating, at night in bed Helen describes David tossing and turning with worry about money and they are not alone in their plight. Are our politicians really proud of this? I would welcome the views of all candidates in the forthcoming election.

Iain Camick
