I NOTE with interest the Conservative party election leaflet which screams the headline ‘Labour is Destroying Our Town”.

Perhaps Councillor Paul Wild or indeed any other of the Tory Councillor could explain to us how £100m of Tory cuts from the party which they are part of, whose policies they support and endorse, have in any way helped the Council in Bolton deliver services for the residents of Bolton?

It is to the Council’s credit that they have delivered a legal budget for the past five years under these restraints whilst at the same time preserving and maintaining our vital services for our vulnerable adults and children’s services.

It is typical of this Tory administration — take no responsibility for their ideologically driven cuts to services and then lay blame elsewhere when the effects hit home, their hypocrisy is staggering when it is also true that they know that these cuts are for political rather than economical reasons and that the cuts are also disproportionate in the north of England whilst the Tories protect their strongholds in the South.

A more appropriate headline might have been “Tory Cuts Hinder Bolton’s Revival” Maybe we can expect some candour in their next leaflet.

Debbie Newall

Labour Party Candidate

Astley Bridge Ward