I WAS both disgusted and not surprised to find out that the European central bank is set to make between ten and twenty billion pounds from further loans that they make to Greece.

Similarly in the last loan made to Greece, only eight pence in the pound went to the Greek people, the rest of went on propping up banks and private companies, yet when it comes to paying these loans back, guess who has to pay them? Yes you got it, the Greek people!

It is no wonder then that the now departed Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis said on his leaving his Government post that 'he wears the loathing of Greece's creditors with pride'.

Varoufakis is one of the world foremost experts on economics. Media commentary of the Greek crisis fails to mention the fact that one of the major banks implicated in the credit crunch of 2008 was responsible for 'cooking the books' in order to obtain Greece's entrance in Europe.

Sovereign states and nations are now effectively being controlled by banks and central banks, and their agenda is all about making as much profit as possible in a shorter time as possible, they have no interest in the welfare and well being of people.

Steve Jones,

Morris Green