I recently saw an overflowing litter bin with bags of dog poo on the floor next to it on Higher Shady Lane, Bolton.

It's a poor show by dog owners to use a litter bin that is already overflowing with litter to dispose of their doggy poo bags. What good was the money Bolton Council spent on signs that say "Love Bolton Hate Litter" if this can happen.

What can be done to prevent dog owners committing this filthy habit? Surely the masses of black plastic bags I see strewn around our beautiful countryside is not good for the environment or wildlife.

Dog users should be advised to use disposable bags that would disintegrate naturally, or take home the bags to out in their own bins or at least place the bags in the bushes(off paths) so walkers cannot see or step on them.

There are dog litter bins around the walking areas that can be used. The "Love Bolton, Hate litter" campaign has obviously not had much influence because there is so much evidence around Bolton on both streets and in the countryside where strewn litter can be seen. I recently visited Germany and it was so free of street and pathway litter it puts Bolton to shame.

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