IT is not just Europe that has a major refugee problem but the entire world.

Our politicians are responsible for the crisis in Europe today by their meddling in the internal politics of a nation which is not a good idea.

We are responsible for the mess in the Middle East not just because of our bombing of Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya but because we decided who was going to rule. We are certainly responsible for the mess now and not one of our politicians wants to admit it.

That is except Jeremy Corbyn. He has he stated that dialogue is the only answer; it is an agreement between the sovereign states of the Middle East we need to work with all the countries in the Middle East to secure a peaceful future for all their citizens but what’s happening now? I am told that the government is going to make a case for bombing Syria.

Do our politicians ever learn? Interfering in other people’s civil wars has never been an option and should certainly not be one now. We should be asking, as Jeremy stated in a TV debate: Who is supplying the arms? Who is buying the oil from Isis? Are any of our so-called allies in the Middle East supplying weapons?

I think you’ll find that the answer is ‘yes’ but as we sell them the weapons we don’t seem to be interested in stopping the supply. Hypocrisy or what?

We have lost too many lives fighting in wars that have nothing to do with us and achieved nothing for it. Our politicians should hang their heads in shame but I bet you they vote to bomb Syria. Every bomb dropped will create more refugees.

It’s time we stop pandering to America; it’s time we did away with our nuclear weapons at a cost of £25,000 billion. Britain no longer has an army as, in the technical jargon, it is a defence force. Some 80,000 soldiers is not enough in a troubled world so we need a bigger army; as an island we need a bigger Navy and we need an air force to support those two services.

Ian Greenhalgh,

Smithills, Bolton