MALCOLM Pittock says in the Bolton News that I misunderstand the significance of Jeremy Corbyn's leadership of the Labour Party

I think not!

As Mr Pittock says, he is a man of principles — unfortunately for Labour today, they are not the principles that the overwhelming majority of ordinary people in Britain would in their wildest dreams ever support in a rapidly deteriorating dangerous world; leaving NATO, unilateral disarmament and massive defence cuts would allow ISIS a free hand to continue their murdering, raping, torturing, destruction of historic ancient sites and more importantly other religious groups (especially Christians), the consequences of which we are all too aware of with the mass movement of refugees towards Europe.

As for Russia, they fortunately lost the 'Cold War' but with Labour ever in power again they could easily win another war without firing a shot. What about all our freedoms then Malcolm?

As someone who has seen first hand the results of extreme socialism in 'The Iron Curtain', Auschwitz and elsewhere, I ask are those of you in Bolton who vote for or electorally represent Labour going to continue supporting the Party knowing what it now represents? If you do you will all be judged on its new extreme agenda by the rest of us and suffer the ire of those who will oppose it!

Derek Bullock,
