At last, England as seen sense and put a 5p charge on carrier bags from large shopping outlets.

The news has caused the expected media outcry, with airwaves full of surprise.

Most plastic bags last for decades and can be responsible for dreadful pollution over the planet, leading to the destruction of bird and sea life.

With a little organisation, shoppers can take their own collection of carrier bags to the supermarket for use with their purchases.

Experience in Wales and Northern Ireland has shown a huge reduction in plastic bag wastage. Surely, modern technology is able to produce plastic bags which are strong yet recyclable. Neighbourhood litter picks involve huge numbers of plastic bags (along with cans and sandwich boxes) found in gutters, pavements, gardens and hedges.

Will folks spend a fortune on throwaway food, then grumble at a 5p bag which can last them many shopping expeditions?

As my bags reach the end of their shopping lives, their final use is for my much hated ginnel litter picks. in fact, if bags and wrappings could be recycled, my grey bin would last a long time without being full — it might have nothing of mine but lots of other folks' dumpings.

Recycling takes minutes out of a whole week. No effort but the same effort as dumping it on the roadway.

David Sharples,

Tarbet Drive
