I, as a parent, visit the school everyday with my five-year-old daughter who has excelled in Tonge Moor Primary.

From what I have observed, the responsibility mainly lies with the parents when it comes to education. It's rather hypocritical that Tonge Moor Primary is being targeted due to the grades.

The teaching methods have improved across all the years. My daughter gets homework once a week and she wants more to do as she's finished the first lot within 10 minutes.

The students have no passion for learning and no one motivating them at home which is why grades are dropping. A lot of parents don't walk with the children to school so they have the opportunity to be silly.

My daughter has gained a lot as an individual. She is independent and intelligent, she has a social circle in school and a few friends she sees after school. She has learnt how to write and read appropriately. All this since going to Tonge Moor Primary.

There is only so much that the school can do, even with the parents participation, it's down to the students being individual as well.

My daughter loves school and I, as her mother, love seeing her growing up and developing more.

Hayley Scott
