IN his letter, Simon Pearce is pointing out what is wrong with the Conservatives.

Although I cannot disagree with him wholeheartedly, surely their failings are equalled, if not surpassed, by Labour.

I have always leant towards the Conservatives as usually what you see is what you get, including things he states in his letter.

What I don't understand is following a Labour Party where some of the leaders and MPs seem to say don't live as I live, live as I say.

They spout the ideology of socialism for the masses and live capitalist lives themselves.

Simon named names, so here goes, take Diane Abbott,

championed comprehensive education then sent her son to private school, where maybe she should have attended herself as by recent interviews she obviously can't count.

Critise her and she plays the race card. I don't like her behaviour whatever colour she is, just don't like her morals.

The likes of Neil Kinnock, Labour man went on to the EU as an MEP took all his family with him, lived like a capitalist, left his socialism behind.

My pet hate and the absolute finest example Labour man Tony Blair, who, to me, destroyed the essence if this country with his namby pamby Human Rights and immigration policies, interfered in the lives if millions if people overseas causing mayhem and death, repercussions if which we are only just starting to feel.

Then, what does our Tony do? Takes his millions and lives the life of a capitalist.

Now we have Jeremy. Well, what can you say? Lovely airy fairy policies okay for 50 years ago, but have no place in this very different world today.

Finally, even though I am not a fan of Osborne, his comment about the £20 bottle of wine is irrelevant. Is he trying to say that Jeremy and his cronies don't do the same?

We all know the political game. Where Simon and I differ is I find repellent people who spout socialism to the masses and live by double standards themselves.

Janet Tkaczuk
