DRIVING along Trinity Street this week, I witnessed one of the most despicable acts I have ever seen.

At the junction with Bradshawgate, many people will be familiar with the rough sleeper who has made his "home" outside the former Wayne Walker site.

He is there most evenings and often has a dog with him. When he is not there, his belongings are put up against the fencing, his sleeping bag neatly folded.

This was the scene that greeted me as I stopped at the lights.

Moments later, a group of about five or six teenage girls walked past his belongings and began to scatter them around the pavement.

The most disgusting act of all was when one of the girls, who could have been no older than 15, callously threw some of the items over the fence and on to the building site, before strutting away.

I really could not believe what I had seen and would have got out of the car to remonstrate with them, but it would have caused an incident by blocking traffic.

It has played on my mind ever since and I keep wondering why anyone would behave like this.

There are several homeless people in the town centre, many of whom have become familiar faces and people will give spare change, say "good morning" or even buy them a hot drink and a bacon sandwich.

All I can hope is that if members of this spiteful bunch ever find themselves in such an unfortunate position, people show them the compassion and respect they are obviously lacking.

Name and address supplied