THIS frosty picture shows a very familiar part of Bolton town centre.

There will not be many people who do not recognise this scene but we wanted to use it as it is particularly atmospheric with the snow swirling around the cars as they travel along Le Mans Crescent.

The picture was taken in February 1962 — a time when winters were colder and snow was a particular problem.

We know that the following year we had record snow fall and record low temperatures to contend with.

Nothing has changed in the layout of the buildings here in Le Mans Crescent.

The Museum and Art Gallery remains on the left hand side and the courts to the right of the crescent.

Only the style of the vehicles gives away that this picture was, in fact, taken in the sixties and not more recently.

Although anyone looking closely at the photograph will see that the street furniture, particularly the lamps, are of a style not seen for decades.

It is an impressive piece of architecture that is for sure.