THE future looks bright for the talented young people of Ladybridge High School who gave visitors a glimpse into “tomorrow’s world”.

The school staged its spectacular arts, products and textiles exhibition, showcasing the 3D printing skills of its final year students.

The 3D printing is set to revoluntise the world, creating everything from human body parts to replacement parts for goods in the home, and much more.

Ladybridge is one of the schools leading the way to ensure pupils are equipped with the skills needed to embrace the future.

Phil Cotton, the school’s head of product design, holds a 3D Printshow Educational Excellence Award — an accolade made even more remarkable as he was the only teacher among industry professionals to have been nominated for the award.

On display at the exhibition were lamps created by the pupils for their GCSE examination.

Mr Cotton said: “The standard of work was outstanding. I awarded some of the highest marks I have ever given in my teaching career, including full marks to some.

“The thought and technical process of some designs are some of the best I have ever seen. Pupils came with their parents to the exhibition, and seeing their work exhibited like this makes them really proud.

“It is also good for parents because children don’t always tell them about the work they do at school and this gives them a chance to see it — and the parents are really proud.”

Other teachers have praised the work of the pupils, saying it is of A-level standard.

One student, Sana Ullah, has also been featured on the website — a free library of 3D printable objects.

Also on show was artwork, sculptures and fashion from the young people at the school.