ALMOST £1 million has been given to families injured in the Manchester Arena attack.

This is the latest round of money released form the We Love Manchester Emergency Fund.

The money will go to people with life changing injuries, who have been given £40,000 in addition to £60,000 already received.

Those who were hospitalised for less than a week and are likely to make a full recovery may receive £56,500, dependant on medical evidence, on top of £3,500 they have already been given.

Those who are unable work or study due to physical injuries who may not have been included in other criteria will receive £3,500.

Manchester City councillor, Sue Murphy, chair of the trustees of the fund, said: “We know that some of those who were injured have had their lives totally changed following the Arena attack. Many of those people will never fully recover.

“Thanks to the generosity of the people of Manchester, and around the world, we are able to make further gifts to those most seriously injured."

This latest round of funding brings the total distributed to £10 million, leaving approximately £8 million still left in the fund.