ON behalf of the board members and staff of the Hibbert Street Community Centre, I would like to thank the many people both inside and outside the Asian community for their outstanding support since the centre was ransacked recently by a gang of youths.

It has been incredibly heart-warming and reassuring to the board and all who work and use the centre.

We have been inundated with offers of help and good wishes from people in the neighbourhood. Partners with whom the centre works closely were in touch as soon as they heard about the incident, while local authority officials have also been fully co-operative, reflecting the close working relationship between the centre and other organisations.

If the perpetrators were hoping to destabilise the centre they could not have been less successful, as this wanton act of vandalism has certainly rebounded on them, such has been the local response and it is to be hoped that now they are, at the very least, experiencing deep remorse and regret.

For those who work at and others who use the centre, the incident has thrown into sharp focus the esteem in which it is held in the community, and for which we are extremely grateful.

We are still in the process of replacing damaged equipment and are increasing security measures, but work is proceeding quickly.

Thanks also to those Asian women who so willingly volunteered their time and effort to clean up the centre.

The incident occurred at a time when the centre is planning to take a further step forward in its development by increasing its services for women, with the aid of a financial grant under a three year scheme. This will proceed as arranged.

We understand that several names have been submitted to the police, and I am sure that the police would welcome information from anyone who can give assistance.

Hanif Alli (Manager)

Hibbert Community Centre

Hibbert Street
