I READ the story about the magpie at Heaton Cemetery in The Bolton News and felt I had to write and tell you about my experience.

On November 22, I went to Overdale Crematorium to put some flowers on my father's memorial stone for his birthday.

It was 9.30am and I seemed to be the only person about.

As I got out of my car, a small magpie landed on the roof and just sat looking at me. I stroked its front and it flew on to my forearm.

I started to walk away, thinking it would fly off, but it stayed there as I walked quite a way to the site of the plaque.

I then stopped and it flew on to my shoulder. As I bent down to put the flowers in a vase, it flew into the tree in front of me and just sat watching.

I couldn't wait to get to work and tell my colleagues. I must admit, it really spooked me. Was it my dad looking over me?

M Higginson, Tonge Moor