HOORAY! At last it appears the government are taking another look into the way young people are taught to drive.

While the present test is more demanding than ever before, quite clearly it is not doing enough to inculcate a sense of responsibility and sound judgement. Nor does it cover motorways or country roads.

Over 1,000 young drivers between the age of 17 to 19 will die, or be seriously injured in the next year. Surely this is unacceptable.

Two of the government's suggestions demand support. One is to expand the 40 minutes practical test into two stages to include a broader range of skills and to cover all types of road. The other is to include the principles of safer driving in the school curriculum.

Driving is now part of life and schools should prepare their students to face the demands and responsibilities of their future.

Meanwhile, further expert guidance and advice on how to be safer and get more out of driving is already available through the advanced driving courses run by the Bolton Group, who are constantly making great efforts to attract younger drivers.

To get details of the next course, which stars on Wednesday, February 7, ring Annette Gamble on 0161 797 1084, or visit the website at www.boltoniam.org.uk Hugh German, Eastgrove Avenue, Bolton