ONCE again we are faced with the total stupidity of the National Health Service.

Constantly we see headlines about MRSA on our wards and how a soldier survives being attacked by the Taliban only to very nearly lose his life with a hospital contracted illness.

Am I the only person who sees that MRSA didn't exist until hospitals contracted out their cleaning and laundry to private contractors? When it was all inhouse staff employed by the health authorities we didn't have these illnesses running rampant through our hospitals. Also, if anybody cares to look, they will see more and more nursing staff going home in their uniforms, as well as going to work in their uniforms, and nobody checking them for diseases.

Plus, patients are forced to go for a "fag break" outside the hospital doors, wearing the same slippers and dressing gowns they wear while walking through the wards.

Mr J O'Connor Redcar Road, Little Lever, Bolton