IVAN Lewis MP recently made the following statement: "A single scoop of mashed potato, lonely in the middle of the plate. It's not an appetising meal. Yet for some elderly patients this masquerades as lunch, every day. Some have a tray placed at the end of the bed, tantalising with hot food. It may be just an inch out of reach, but it might as well be a mile. To a bedridden pensioner, it must seem like torture."

Mr Lewis, the minister in charge of care services, was talking about the standard of care some elderly patients are having to suffer in hospitals in this country.

This is an appalling admission for a minister to have to make, when his party are in Government, and has been for the past 10 years.

What sort of people do we have working in our hospitals, who could actually leave a tray of food out of reach, and in the words of the minister, "torture" frail elderly patients in this way?

What sort of people could turn a blind eye, or a deaf ear, and allow this to happen?

We all know - most of us through experience - that the vast majority of hospital staff are dedicated, caring people.

So it comes as a bit of a shock to learn that there are some who couldn't give a fig.

Ivan Lewis should name and shame hospitals. Heads should roll!

Brian Derbyshire Ribchester Grove Bolton