IT was encouraging to hear of the council's decision to proceed with a new traffic management system on Crompton Way, which will make this road safer by the introduction of cycle lanes, a 30mph speed limit, and the reduction of two lanes of traffic to one.

It therefore beggars belief that the local Conservative party is not only opposed to this new safety measure, but is committed to returning Moss Bank Way to its previous state. This despite authoritative reports that the accident and casualty rate has been significantly reduced with no corresponding increase in journey times.

The latter is, of course, because the volume of traffic is determined by the several sets of traffic lights rather than the number of lanes.

How can a serious political party therefore subscribe to such a criminally irresponsible policy of deliberately increasing the accident rate?

It is unquestionable that the Moss Bank Way scheme has made this road much safer for cyclists. But perhaps, David Cameron apart, cyclists are expendable in Conservative party policy making.

Ian Marshall Lancashire Road Club