I WOULD like to congratulate Ann Barker in getting her fine scrapped (The Bolton News, "Victory after fine for parking in Mayor's spot", February 2), and now wish that I had taken it further when I was fined £30 in October 2005 for parking in the same place.

I am one of the other people who have been caught out.

I did challenge the fine, pointing out how unclear the notices were to people using Bolton's facilities but was told to pay and did so.

A good night was ruined, especially as other people coming out of the Albert Halls agreed with us that they thought we were legally parked.

I also suggested then, in 2005, that they improve their markings and notices on these particular parking bays, obviously to no avail.

It will be interesting to see if I now get a refund!

Well done Ann Barker.

Mrs B Ross Little Lever