I HAD to smile at Fred Shawcross's weekly article on Friday, February 3, when he said that Eric Delaney is something special as a percussionist in his 80s He says, and I quote: "He has the drive and enthusiasm of someone in their 20s, and his power and speed behind his massive kit is mind boggling."

If I had been asked to write a biography of Fred Shawcross, I couldn't have chosen better words.

Admittedly, at 73, he's no'but a lad, but his playing of the drums has to be seen to be believed.

He does a drum solo for what seems like five minutes, and his drumsticks are just a blur.

With perspiration flying off him in every direction, he uses every item in his kit in quick succession.

I have the delight of playing with him in Chris Wormald''s Saturday Band, and I watch him play in Jeriatric Jazz as often as I can.

On top of all that, he is one of the friendliest, happy guys I've ever come across.

To add to that, his Schnauzer dog, Boris, who goes everywhere with him, is just as friendly.

Gordon Roscoe Kiln Brow Bromley Cross