I AM disappointed that Deborah Dunleavy has deliberately misinterpreted my previous letter to once again publicise herself as a Parliamentary candidate for the Tories.

The people of Bolton will, no doubt, be able to judge for themselves this sort of shameless self promotion of a wannabe career politician. She is clearly much more interested in furthering her own professional ambitions than representing the interests of the children she claims to care about.

This obvious hypocrisy of David Cameron's visit to Bolton in order to raise his own profile by championing a vital community resource, while at the same time plotting cuts to public spending, is clear. Although, to be fair to Ms Dunleavy, perhaps it is not so clear to those blinkered by their own personal dreams of becoming a Member of Parliament.

However, in her diatribe, Ms Dunleavy does pose one crucial question, "Shouldn't we all do our best for the children of Bolton?". It is against this that we should judge the real principles of Ms Dunleavy and the Conservatives.

If she so ardently believes this then: l why have the Tories opposed the funding of the New Children's Centres that will serve every community in Bolton?

l why have the Tories voted against every increase in family allowance over the last 10 years?

l why have the Tories consistently opposed the working families tax credit?

l why have the Tories consistently voted against increased funding to rebuild the crumbling classrooms left by the Tories?

l why have the Tories opposed funding to support personalised learning in schools?

l why did the Tories vote against the extension of maternity leave and also the establishment of paternity leave, if they were so interested in the welfare of children?

. . . and finally l why have the Tories opposed the establishment of Child Trust Funds?

This is clearly a record that does not put the interests of children first at all.

In fact, it is a record that shows almost no interest whatsoever in the welfare of children.

The Lads and Girls Club is a vital community resource, and the whole borough should be deeply proud of its work. It is a beacon of innovation and good practice, and I applaud the dedication of its many volunteers.

The Labour group will continue to support its important work with real investment, unlike the Tories, whose words betray an agenda of cuts.

Frank White, Executive Member for Community Cohesion