RE Andrew Barlow's statement "Workers must be paid more" ("Slavery still exists today", March 29).

I agree.

Perhaps Andrew already buys tea, coffee and other products which carry the Fairtrade mark. If not, he might make it a priority when he next goes to the shops.

The Fairtrade mark guarantees that the farmers and growers have received a price which covers the cost of production and an added amount which they are able to use to improve their community's health and educational facilities and to trade their way out of extreme poverty. Buying fairly traded products allows us to take a step in the direction of greater justice in trade.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who so actively support the Fairtrade movement in Bolton, especially during the recent Fairtrade Fortnight. It is not just an encouragement to those of us who work to promote Fairtrade, it is literally providing a lifeline to the 5 million growers worldwide on whom we rely for so much of our food. To those who are not yet buying Fairtrade products, I offer the current national suggestion, backed locally by Dave Spikey - "Change today - choose Fairtrade"!

Jim Hollyman, Co-ordinator, Fairtrade in Bolton