IT was interesting to read the article in last Saturday's edition of The Bolton News on who we class locally as the "Pigeon Man".

This feeding has been going on for quite a long time in the Sunnyside Park area, and is most distressing for residents of Westcourt and Chelsea Road, whose homes are close to the park.

At times, between 50 to 100 pigeons have perched on rooftops of homes around the park, awaiting his arrival.

We have had concerns for some time about the amount of pigeon droppings, which bombard our cars, garden furniture and washing lines.

The council is well aware of the situation, but its attitude seems to be that the seed is biodegradable and will not harm the environment or cause infestation by rats.

Whether or not this is true I am unsure, but this amount of bird droppings is not healthy for residents.

Interestingly, this kind of pigeon feeding was banned from the town centre as the council feared that toxic bird droppings were harming the buildings.

Does that then mean that the powers-that-be at the council are more concerned about their buildings than the human beings who live in Great Lever?

Margaret Platt, Great Lever