WHAT a load of rubbish Peter Johnson talks, as well as Cllr Jones. The council is causing congestion by narrowing the roads.

Moss Bank Way, a ring road round Bolton, built to four lanes, now down to two. Deane Road, Derby Street and Bradford Road have been narrowed.

We pay road tax, but where does it go? Not to repair the roads. Paying road tax and not being able to use the roads is diabolical. Bus lanes which are closed all day to other vehicles and nearly always empty, except when three buses come together, then the lanes are empty for another 10-15 minutes until the next three come.

I agree, we have motorways, but how soon will the Government want to narrow these down to one lane either way? This is another unjustified tax. We pay road tax, buy petrol (highly taxed), pay insurance (taxed again).

I am surprised that the Government has not taxed the air we breathe.

John Edwards, Greenmount Park, Kearsley