RE "Council to stop sending forum documents out to residents", The Bolton News, June 26. I note with interest the council's proposals to stop posting forum documents to residents.

A typical mailing is hefty and includes about seven A4 sheets of paper.

Friends of Moss Bank Park have been lobbying such a change for over three years and we welcome it warmly. We have some sympathy with residents who will be inconvenienced by this decision, but we need to consider the broader situation.

FOMBP have always supported the council's initiatives in bringing their activities to the scrutiny of residents by means of the forums, but the cost implications are a serious matter and need careful consideration.

I understand from the council's figures that the cost of paper, stationery and postage for an average forum meeting is over 500. With nine forum areas and six meetings each per annum, I calculate the mailing costs for the meetings to be over 27,000 every year. For that kind of money we might hope for additional gardening staff to be appointed!

Even without this potential resource, Moss Bank Park has been transformed over recent years to something approaching its former glory, but the park's current popularity is throwing additional demands on its resources.

A previous correspondent, Mrs Harrison (Letters, June 19) drew attention to the inadequacies of the public toilets in the park, particularly the disabled accommodation. She is correct to draw attention to the unsatisfactory state of the toilets, and although they are cleaned at least twice every day, the toilet block as a whole is inadequate, outdated, and not up to modern "easy clean" standards.

A major makeover and extension is scheduled for completion next year in accordance with the council's Park Development Plan, which, following consultation and debate, has received the approval of the Friends of Moss Bank Park.

These improvements to the park have not come about just because of the Friends. They are the result of hard work by council staff and the commitment from elected members who have realised that Moss Bank Park is such a splendid and much loved asset that it merits special care and attention.

We would be delighted to welcome any new volunteers to help us continue in our labour of love! We meet at the walled garden on the first and third Tuesday of every month from 10am to noon.

David Butcher, Hon Sec, Friends of Moss Bank Park