HAVING attended the Sharples and Smithills area forum on June 21, on arrival we were presented with a booklet named "Bolton Our Vision", a pamphlet entitled, "Meet Your Councillor" and what can only be described as an update letter for the above forum.

I would like to know what has been the cost for producing all this literature and who authorised it?

A previous forum was supposed to look at reducing the amount of paper handed out.

When the meeting started we were informed that there had been some changes to the way the forum would be conducted.

Item four on the agenda was minutes of the previous meeting, these were accepted as correct by the councillors present.

The forum then moved on to the next item on the agenda without matters arising being discussed.

Towards the end of the meeting I was informed that this was because the answers to previous questions were in the new update letter.

In my opinion, this new system is nothing more than an attempt by the council to gag those of us who are not afraid to challenge the council, its officers and councillors.

It would also appear that if councillors do not consider a topic to be a local issue, then it can be excluded from the forum.

I would like to know what is considered to be a local issue, as, in my opinion, anything which involves council tax is a local issue as we all pay it, and therefore we should be able to air our concerns and views in public about how the council operates and spends our money.

I also doubt that many people are aware that presentations are being given regarding congestion charges at this round of area forums.

B J Griffith, Sharples, Bolton