GARY Oldman as Second World War leader Winston Churchill in new film Darkest Hour looks set to make a real splash at the Oscars and all the other film awards this year.

The film focuses solely on Churchill’s first month as Prime Minister in May, 1940, when the odds were stacked against Britain and the grim forces gathering on the other side of the Channel proved a very worrying spectre for this nation and the world.

Oldman’s transformation and performance are seen as remarkable and there is no doubt this is so. It is, however, great to see a film like Darkest Hour so capturing the attention of film audiences because it gives us a chance to focus on both Churchill’s remarkable oratory and a war which may be unknown to current generations.

As the few remaining soldiers, sailors and airmen who fought pass away each year, we are in danger of losing genuine contact with what really was the finest hour for individuals and this nation. We need reminding.